St. Joseph's Church
Rawlins, Wyoming
St. Joseph's Church on the corner of 3rd and Pine, Rawlins, Wyoming

St. Joseph's Church in Rawlins, was built in 1915. It stands on the
corner of 3rd and Pine Streets in the heart of the town. Visible from all directions, it stands as
as Pillar of God's love in Rawlins. Below, are some photos I have recently taken of the interior of
the Church for your perusal. It is beautiful, indeed, and I apologize for the quality of some of the
photos (it was dark in there when I took these). Enjoy!

The Interior of St. Joseph's
A close up view of the Altar, and one from the
rear of the Church

Stained Glass
The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
The Baptism of Our Lord by St. John the Baptist
The Good Shepard
The Sacred Heart
Jesus handing the Keys to the Kingdom to St. Peter
Saint Anne
The Garden of Gesthemene
The Last Supper

Statues, Choir Loft, and Organ
St. Joseph..Patron
Our Blessed Lady
The Sacred Heart
Baptismal Font and St. Theresa
The Choir Loft and Organ
Some more views of the Choir Loft and Organ

Please be sure to Visit these Links
Back to St. Joseph's Parish Page
To St. Joseph..My Patron Saint in Baptism
Our Lady of Guadelupe
A Page in Tribute to Our Lady of Guadelupe
Protectress of the Unborn and Patroness of the Americas
Back to ARTJOZ: The Wyoming Catholic Connection